How foraging helps me connect to abundance

I try to walk outside everyday. Health practitioners and energy workers alike tell us how valuable it is to get quality time outside. Whether it's the Vitamin D from the sun or the grounding energy from walking on grass, my cup is always filled after a walk.

An intuitive once told me I would be better served if I foraged for my food that I eat. I loved the thought of it - collecting berries in the woods like my distant ancestors did. The reality was that I had no idea how to tell what was good for me and what could kill me. Plus I thought it was impractical, laughable even, to consider that I could actually be sustained with what grows naturally in the wild near my home.

This is how many begin in their relationship with money. First there is distrust, fear, and confusion. And it’s underscored by this imposter syndrome. I often hear people label themselves saying “I’m not good with money” or “I need a money expert in my life”. I get it. That’s how I felt when I first started to forage. I didn’t believe in myself or plants.

Looking back, I think it is silly that I thought Earth wouldn’t be able to provide for me. This planet that produces delicious fruits and vegetables, healing herbs, and abundant waters, that has sustained life for millennia…surely there were some berries that could be spared for me. It is my responsibility to attune my eyes to look for the right signs on plants. And I commit to walking outside daily, but to my surprise, or rather my reassurance, I continue to find something that can nourish me in some way each time I forage.

Headlines and social media posts will lead you to believe that whatever you need is just out of reach. That if you just learned one more hack about money, you would be rich. Or that it’s dangerous or immoral to invest, so you better just sit on the sidelines.

The truth is there is so much abundance in nature. Therefore abundance is natural! While you do need to focus, learn, and show up for yourself, you need not fear that you will be provided for.

Learning about your relationship with money is a great place to start when you want to expand your ability to receive abundantly. I wasn’t able to successfully forage until I studied what grew well in my local climate and I worked with seasons of bloom and demise. Being able to make sense of your personal history and beliefs around money will help you better align to a desired money future. It’s also valuable to learn more about the current financial system so that you can work with it to build the life of your dreams.

If you feel ready to commit to expanding your personal abundance, learn more about my services here.


I want everyone to be wealthy.